Annie: My favorite part of Christmas is the mood: seeing all the lights around the tree, having the fireplace crackling in the background, singing Christmas carols with my mom, and eating my weight in Christmas candy. Getting to make the different Christmas food with my family is always a highlight. I am known for not being the best cook in the family, so often I get the job of taste testing. I now have to share that job with nieces and nephews, but the more the merrier. This is also my favorite part, getting to see the family once again-- catching up on how the end of the semester went, if they passed all their classes, and how they are doing. Seeing everyone happy and together is my favorite part of Christmas, but also remembering the true reason on why we are celebrating.
Peyton: If you know me, you know I absolutely love Christmas, and have ever since I was little, leaving out hay for the reindeer and leaving a note to Santa telling him that he could let them get a drink from the cattle waterers while they were stopped. While there’s no way I could ever choose just one favorite part, I think that if I had to sum it up, I’d simply say the Christmas spirit. I love the generosity that people show, the beautiful lights, family traditions and gatherings, the cheerful warmth that seems to fill the air during this season, etc., etc., etc. (I could go on forever!) The time spent with family - from watching our favorite Christmas movies to baking cookies to all being off of school and able to help bed pens in the barn - is something I look forward to every year. The way that just one holiday can bring everyone together is truly amazing, and this magic feeling of love, joy, and excitement that takes over in December is definitely my favorite part of Christmas time.
Cassie: My favorite part of Christmas is all of the quirky traditions that my family has. Each Christmas Eve, my dad always insists we watch It’s a Wonderful Life. About thirty minutes into the movie, he falls asleep in his recliner and we change it to Rudolph. Even if we always argue about which Christmas movie to watch, it’s really spending time together that matters. I hope each of you are able to find some great family time this Christmas!
CD: Christmas time is a great time of year at the Brinegar household. My favorite thing about Christmas time has to be all the great organizations that do things around this time of year, from food baskets, to helping people find a warm place to sleep or even helping bring Christmas to those who are less fortunate than us. My favorite by far is the Red Kettles by the Salvation Army from those who donate their time to ring the bell in the cold outside of Walmart or Fareway, to those who give whatever they have in their pocket. I like this charity, not only does it help those who need it but you can give whatever you want or can. Organizations like this one around Christmas not only express how lucky all of us are to live in the greatest country in the world but also and most of all the true meaning of Christmas and giving back.
Caleb: Christmas in my hometown of Guthrie Center is crazy. We go all out to say the least. Our town park is filled with Christmas displays from almost every community group in the town. This display of illuminating lights attracts over a thousand people from around the county each year. No matter the time of day you can always find several cars filled with family and friends driving through. Cruising through the park seeing all of our community come together to share Christmas happiness is without a doubt, the coolest thing in the world.
Carli: Christmas Traditions - everyone has them and my family is no different. Throughout my childhood we’ve started and ended LOTS of traditions so I’m just gonna list off a few of my favorites. To start, my family has always celebrated Christmas Eve with a surplus of traditions wrapped up in one - kinda like one big Christmas gift. We start off the day either sledding or playing games with the fam while also preparing a soup supper for that evening. Christmas Eve just isn’t Christmas Eve at my house unless you have chili and oyster stew for supper. Before we eat though, my family goes to the candlelight service at our church. The twist is we don’t just go, we run the show. Usually my siblings and I take turns handing out candles or bulletins to families as they enter the church and then I light the advent wreath along with the rest of the candles in the church. In the past my grandfather always read the sermon but in recent years I’ve stepped up to the plate. Once the service is over, my family along with other families of our church gather around the Christmas tree and sing Christmas carols. To end the night we sing a traditional Danish Christmas Song, Nu har vi Jul igen which translates to Now It’s Christmas again and is lead by yours truly. For me traditions are what make holidays special and give them meaning and I wouldn’t trade my family’s little traditions for the world.
Rachel: Two words for you, Homemade Donuts! At the Zumbach household there is nothing better than my momma’s Christmas breakfast in which we get her homemade powdered sugared donuts. Not only is the food GREAT, but it brings my whole family around the table which takes a lot when we each have very busy schedules.
Ally: Christmas- it’s the holiday that brings people together. You can skip Thanksgiving, Easter, or 4th of July; but you know grandma expects you to be home for Christmas. Friends get together for Christmas parties, Secret Santas abound at work, and the refrigerator is cluttered with Christmas Cards from old friends and neighbors. I think this is my favorite thing about Christmas. This time of year makes life feel a little more complete than usual. It’s not because of the music, the food, or the presents- it’s because we are so much more aware of the people around us.
Zach: Christmas is certainly my favorite time of year. I am one of “those” people who goes all out to celebrate the holiday season. I have about a 4 hour long playlist of my favorite holiday tunes, Christmas lights up everyone I can without going against a fire code, a tree in almost every room I occupy, and a plethora of santa hats to wear throughout the ‘most wonderful time of the year’. However, I’d have to say I have two favorite parts of the season (I know, breaking the rules, my bad) that make the holiday season so special. The first is the Christmas Eve service at my church. Until the lights go down, we light all the candles, and we start singing Silent Night it’s not really Christmas. The second part would have to be giving others gifts. I absolutely love shopping for those I care about and spend all month anticipating the shocked or happy looks they will have on their face when they tear off the wrapping paper to see what I thought they’d enjoy. They say it’s the thought that counts, and that truly is my favorite part of the holiday: being able to give something to others to brighten their day even just a little. We all hope you have the Merriest Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Iowa FFA State Officer Team