CD Brinegar -
FFA week is like the 4th of July for rodeo people, there are more events than you can make it to in a week but there are some amazing things that FFA members, chapters and local schools are doing. This week I went to Sub-Districts in the Southeast District on Monday, I got to travel with Ridge Hughbanks to Starmont, and traveled south to West Marshall and after a snowstorm, I made it to Cardinal. Over those one thousand miles that I traveled my favorite part has to be hands down the people in the small towns that I met at gas stations, restaurants or other places. Anytime that I walk into a Casey’s or a Kwik Star in the jacket it always starts a conversation, about FFA when the old timer was in high school, or about farming over the years. The conversations usually are short but FFA Week led to a few of these conversations that made me grateful for the opportunity to travel and see the state.
Chandler Jahner -
Chandler Jahner -
FFA Week was honestly everything I love about state office rolled into one week. Whether it was the travel, the interaction with members, the stories told or the speeches gave, it was awesome! Every single chapter visit I went on rocketed into my top ten list.
I will say, Monday was incredible for me as I spent the day in Leon with the Central Trail chapter. What made that special was I had the chance to present to their entire school and meet the gentleman who had taught at the school from 1963-1990. It was incredible to see how far we as an organization have come and the lives we have impacted. Wrapping up the day I had the chance to be present when the Bondurant-Farrar chapter signed their National charter. Which showed a brief glimpse of what’s to come for our organization. A true full circle day!
You all never ceased to amaze me with your love and care for this organization. It makes me strive to be a better member myself! Thank you for a wonderful National FFA Week!
Gwen Black -
You all never ceased to amaze me with your love and care for this organization. It makes me strive to be a better member myself! Thank you for a wonderful National FFA Week!
Gwen Black -
What an awesome and eye-opening adventure FFA week has been! This past week I have been able to see some stellar, members, advisors, and chapters all across the Southwest District. Starting my week off about as Southwest as you can be in Iowa, to ending it with Goat Yoga, I witnessed some amazing growth. I believe I gained more from the students across the district than they did from me. Everyone had so much pride in their home, communities, and FFA chapters, and all were eager to become even better. I thank you all for that! I also want to say thank you to my District Officers that got to experience the fun-filled miles with me! I am truly blessed with the Southwest!
Cole Reiman -
Cole Reiman -
FFA week has truly opened my eyes into the lives of the FFA members across this state. Getting to see the passion and drive of you all have been remarkable. Every day a new adventure with a new chapter, no, a new family. From the “FFA Degree Tree” at East Sac on Monday to the class goats in GTRA on Friday, each day had a chapter that was unique in its own ways and I couldn’t express how thankful I am to have gotten the chance to share this last week with the FFA members that make this year so fulfilling for me. Thank you for everything you do Iowa FFA. Never stop being unique!
Jodie Mausser -
Jodie Mausser -
FFA week is for sure my favorite week out of the year. It is a week where FFA members can all come together and advocate for what they love and represent the blue jacket. From chapter visits to visiting with members, and even talking about dairy cows, this past week was one for the books. The photo challenge was for sure one of my favorite parts! Seeing all of the cool pictures and what chapters were doing throughout their schools was so neat to see! Iowa FFA thank you for an extraordinary week.
Jake Hlas -
Jake Hlas -
If I had to describe the 2019 National FFA Week in the fewest words possible it would go something like this, miles, members, contests, and cancellations. Miles. As a team, we made it a point to reach every corner of the state during the week, and even one quick trip into Wisconsin. As a team, we put on just over 10,000 miles! FFA Members. Wowzers, personally I feel as though we may have seen almost every single one of you last week and the best part of it all was the passion I saw each day. Y’all were having a great time and because of that, it made our week a bunch of fun! Contests. I made my way to three sub-district competitions in the Northeast district and can honestly say those nights may have been some of my favorite ones of the year up to this point. Now even with all of the nerves, we kept the room light and always had a good time. Cancellations. Well, mother nature did not want to cooperate last week or for the whole month of February and practically any plans we had for Wednesday went out the door. Road conditions were less than preferable for much of the week and it made travel slow. With all of this being said it was still an amazing week and every detail of it made me extremely proud of this state and the FFA members that call it home!
Lexi Berte -
Lexi Berte -
National FFA Week was definitely one to remember. After having North Central District Officer Interviews rescheduled four different times, we finally got to kick off the week with them! This was a great way to kick off the week! Now, even those interviews weren’t canceled, we did manage to sneak in more snow and more cancellations during the week. I spent the rest of my week going on chapter visits to Nashua Plainfield, Belmond, and Boone. I even got the opportunity to visit Clear Lake where they will be starting a new agriculture education program. Overall, I can definitely say my favorite part of the week was catching up with those who I had met before and making new connections. Thank you Iowa FFA for an unforgettable National FFA Week!
Lane Morrison -
Lane Morrison -
This week has been one of the best weeks I have had this year. Traveling around southeast Iowa has shown me how incredible FFA members are and how bright their futures will be. I had the pleasure of attending Fairfield high school and North Mahaska for chapter visits and other activities. The day at Fairfield went great because the students were very engaging and had a lot of fun. The day at North Mahaska was filled with fun activities and ended with their annual Ag Olympics in the gym with the whole school. Having these opportunities will be something I will never forget.
Leaky Mailbox -
Leaky Mailbox -
FFA week was one of the busiest, snowiest, fun-filled weeks of the year. I had the awesome opportunity to visit schools in Northwest Iowa and see the different projects that FFA Chapters were working on. West Lyon was building chicken coops for people in their community, Central Lyon builds mini houses, and Rock Valley has their very own Rocket Manufacturing business. All three programs showed projects that were great for career-based learning, and it was amazing to see young students putting so much time and effort into these projects! There is so much value in hands-on learning and I was lucky to experience it with these awesome chapters!
In Blue and Gold,
Iowa FFA
State Officer Team