Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How Full is Your Glass?

I think we can all agree that we have had moments where we have thought, “This hasn’t been a very good day”, or maybe you have said, “This week could be over already”, or my favorite line, “Could this get any worse”. Everyone has had these moments, but I think of these moments as a personal perspective.

When I was in fifth grade, there was one day during class that comes to mind whenever I have a not so good day. My teacher, Mrs. Moore stood up in the front of the class and said to us all, “Is the glass half empty or half full”? For a second I was confused on why she was saying this to all of us. Then once again she said, “Is the glass half empty or half full”?

As we discussed as a class what this might mean, we slowly came to the conclusion that this wasn’t a trick question or a project for science, it was a question about life in general. She was asking us if we were only going to focus on the bad, or are we going to pay more attention to the good.

A few summers ago, I had an idea for a photograph that involved a puddle of water, and three mason jars. Once again the words that Mrs. Moore said came to mind. I filled up my three jars all with different amounts of water and headed outside with my camera.

As I was taking this picture I started thinking about what jar people would consider being half empty or half full. As I thought about it some more, I came back to the conclusion that it is about a person's individual perspective. Just like every day when you wake up, you have the decision to decide if today is going to be a good day or a bad day.

You have the choice to decide if the day is going to get worse, or you can look at the positives that have come out of the day. It is your perspective. As I leave you with this final question, “Is your glass half empty or half full”?

Smile for the camera,
Jodie Mausser
2018-2019 Iowa FFA State Reporter

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