Thursday, March 5, 2020

National FFA Week: A Look Back

Almost a year ago, I was elected to state office. Since then, I've been all over the state visiting different places and chatting with members. There have been so many experiences that I will remember forever. FFA week, however, will always be near and dear to my heart.

I started FFA week off with the Muscatine FFA chapter. I got to watch them compete at the human table and stack cups in teams. Watching those members work as a team was incredibly rewarding.

Wednesday I spent time in Nashua Plainfield FFA. We ate pancakes and got to untie our human knot. Seeing them encourage each other in a competition inspired me.

Thursday I was with Clear Lake. We spent the whole afternoon with middle school students. Their excitement over being in the ag room reminded me of the first time I walked into mine.

Friday I was at West Marshall. Those students played Jenga, competed, and had an all school assembly. The sound of those students laughing is something I'll never forget.

State office has given me the best year of my life. Sure, I've had hard days. But the members I spend time with are always worth it. The members I've spent time with this year have taught me so much and I will forever be grateful for the smiling faces I'm greeted with each time I walk into a chapter. Iowa FFA, thank you for your kindness, positivity, and inspiring stories. Thank you for the best year and the memories I'll never forget. I'm so proud of the members I've seen this year, and I can't wait to see where you all take the FFA.

Run With Your Challenges,

Natalie Jefson
2019-2020 State Secretary

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