9 Things You Have to Do at the National FFA Convention and Expo
With National Convention starting only a few short days from now, FFA members are getting excited about the chance to travel to Indianapolis and spend some time there rockin the blue corduroy. For some this may be our first convention experience, while for others this could be our 5th convention and we’re receiving our American Degrees. Whatever our experience, there are plenty of options for us to choose from to have the best convention ever! In fact, our state officer team has a few things you have to check off your convention to-do list!
Zach: It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again where roughly 60,000 of our friends in the blue jacket are frantically packing their suitcases, letting their teachers know they’ll be missing that math test and rescheduling, and strapping in for a long car ride with their pals in their chapter. While we may be traveling with some of our friends, some of us may be excited to meet friends that we’ve made through the organization. This has always been the case for me, getting the chance to meet new people from around the nation and make new friends. In fact, I made one friend in particular who I ended up spending a lot more time with than I ever would have expected. I had been tweeting at a random kid from Iowa about how we both did some serious last minute packing. Somehow, we ended up meeting up at convention and have been friends ever since. In fact, we even became state officers and college roommates together. You never know the impact the people around you may have on you, so take the time to make some new friends while you’re in Indianapolis!
Peyton: National Convention is a great opportunity to start looking ahead to your future and interact with potential colleges! Great schools of a variety of sizes and locations will be in Indianapolis. Take advantage of this chance to interact with them, learn more about their programs, and explore whether they might be a good fit for you. This is the ideal place to visit with these colleges. The representatives that schools send to National Convention are usually familiar with FFA (often even past FFA members), and will probably be able to relate very well to your experiences and interests. This is especially true if you’re interested in studying agriculture. At many other career fairs, the representatives from a school are most likely not as familiar with the agricultural program at their college as they will be here. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to speak with the colleges that I was interested in about their agricultural programs, especially schools located out of state that I hadn’t gotten to interact with before. Whether you head to Indianapolis with future programs in mind, or simply take some time to explore the aisles full of colleges, definitely explore this resource available at convention!
When I went my Sophomore year in High School, my favorite part of the National Convention was the World’s Toughest Rodeo. There were great riders for both broncs and bulls that you couldn’t help but stand up and cheer. Not to mention they also had great acts that would either make you bust a gut laughing or gasp from the daring tricks that bullfighters perform. You also got the chance to meet people from across the nation who love FFA just as much as you. I recommend if you have time to head on over to the World’s Toughest Rodeo, because they sure know how to have a Wild West good time!
After attending my first National Convention my sophomore year of high school I have always looked forward to revisiting the National FFA Expo. This giant hall is filled with businesses from all over the nation who come to hand out a lot of free stuff and have a vast amount of fun activities to participate in! Although these freebies and activities are awesome it’s also great to find out what companies are doing to improve agriculture and many of our future career paths outside of our great state of Iowa.
Student leadership workshops are definitely something you won’t want to miss out on this year! I had never gone to a workshop previous to my junior year, and my advisor finally convinced me to go to one. Once I got there, I wished I had attended them every year! I learned so much about ethanol and renewable fuels, and it opened my eyes to a whole new sector of agriculture. I felt like I had much more information under my belt to be a better advocate for our industry!
These workshops always have not only amazing themes, but amazing facilitators as well! Our past Iowa FFA State President, Elisa Russ, will even be leading some sessions on why we need more ag teachers, and how we can make that happen in her “#TeachAg” workshop. The workshops range from leadership, to skills, to industry information. Some highlighted workshops that I thought were interesting were: “Let’s Parli!”, “Ever See an Arc Welding Robot? Come Check it Out”, “#SpeakAg”, “U.S. Army Food Science Careers: Food for the Force”, “Your Own Right Way”, and many more! Check out the full list here: 2017 Student Leadership Workshops
Caleb: There’s this hidden gem at convention that I found my Sophomore year! It’s called the FFA Shop!! I have acquired half my closet from this place. They have everything you would ever need. From T-shirts to the best gifts for your advisor; I’m pretty sure they have every piece of FFA Swag ever created. It contains T-shirts with the corniest FFA jokes. Now you may be thinking, “Caleb that’s the place with long lines” but let me tell you. Those lines go super quick and it’s worth the wait in line to get the best FFA Swag for the year! Put this on the top of your “convention bucket list” to make sure you get exactly what you want before they run out!
Carli: Getting to attend National Convention my senior year was an absolutely amazing experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Sadly I almost skipped out on the opportunity. The day my chapter was leaving was also the same day as our first regional volleyball game my senior year. As a four year varsity member and now senior, making the decision to skip out on potentially the last game of my career was one extremely difficult decision to make. National Convention turned out to be an opportunity of a lifetime where I gotta socialize and interact with so many amazing people. My favorite part of National Convention was walking around the Expo and talking with people from every state. I used the Conference booklet to track what states I had met with and loved the challenge of talking to random people from so many different backgrounds. National Convention was my connection to so many other members that had the same passion for FFA as me and the overall experience showed me that even when decisions are tough, you'll always know the right decision in your heart.
CD: My favorite part of national convention each and every year is the keynote speakers. As a guy who really enjoys a good story these are some of the best to listen to. From the national officers retiring address to the speakers that a brought in from all over the world to speak the motivational speeches will make you want to get up and make the world a better place, appreciate your friends and family, and touch on life lessons that take years to learn. My favorite speakers are always at the national convention every year and I look forward to seeing and hearing the stories this year as well.
Ally: Something that’s always on my bucket list: getting a picture with some super cool, giant FFA letters! These giant letters make a great photo prop and can be pretty fun to get creative with. Also- they show off your passion for FFA in big way! Be sure to find them at National Convention this year!
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