Saturday, January 20, 2018

An Open Letter to My FFA Jacket

Dear FFA Jacket,

You’ve grown and changed with me in the past five years. We both look a lot different than when we started. A lot of things have changed since the first time we met, but I wouldn’t trade the adventures we’ve had for anything. I can still remember getting ready for you to come for the very first time. My whole freshman ag class set about measuring our shoulders, seeing how long our arms were, and trying on old jackets. When I finally decided what size you should be, the order was placed and I waited patiently for my very own corduroy jacket to come in. Once the jackets were finally in, I laid my eyes on a perfectly folded jacket with my name right on the front. I very carefully took you home to show my parents. Mom made me try it on and for the very first time I zipped up the jacket that would hold so many memories.
The first year we spent together was filled exploring all the things we could do. At National Convention, I saw thousands of other people with those blue jackets on. I hunted down someone in a jacket from every state I could find (Never did find the Virgin Islands that year). We took on our first contest with six other members and their jackets when we did Conduct of Meetings that spring. I started to add pins to you and break in that stiff corduroy. We began to form a bond as I also began to bond with the other FFA members around me.
Our next year together was a little different. My family moved and all the sudden the words on the back of my jacket were different. I had a different place to call home and with it came a different FFA chapter. I began to doubt whether I really cared about wearing the FFA jacket anymore. Maybe it was something I only enjoyed for a little while? Luckily, I decided that wearing the blue jacket was worth it, even if things weren’t the same way they’d been in the past. I started to realize that this new place I was in was better because you were there.
As my FFA jacket, you’ve seen me in every situation. Running through my high school’s halls searching for last minute banquet supplies, repeating parts and speeches for contests in waiting rooms, anxiously preparing for interviews, and laughing with some of my best friends. You were there for all of my best learning experiences. You were even there for some tears.
There’s no doubt, I’ve changed in so many ways since I got my first FFA jacket. I’m just happy to know that every time I zip up my blue corduroy, something amazing is going to happen. So, from an FFA member, thank you.

Ally Babcock
North Central State Vice President

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