Thursday, March 15, 2018

How to (Try to) Survive College

Whether you’re ready for it or not college is coming up. If you’re like me I ALWAYS over pack or forget something. Here is a short list of some things that I found have been important to me throughout the year:
·      You do not need all 75 t-shirts that you have in your closet…trust me you don’t!
·      Try to avoid eating your weight in ice cream at the dessert bar.
·      Hangout with your parents now, you’ll miss them next year.
·      Hit the gym, the freshman 15 is real.
·      Meet with your academic advisor! They are super cool people and care about you and your future.
·      Thermometer- lots of people=lots of germs
·      Coordinate with your future roommate. See what you guys are okay with sharing and who needs to buy what.
·      TVs are optional, some of my best memories are hanging with people on my floor as well as watching the Bachelor with my roommate (ugh Arie).
·      Only keep in season clothes. When it turns to fall take home your shorts over Thanksgiving Break and bring back the warm clothes!
·      Water proof gear! You will be caught in more than one rain storm.
·      Wait to buy your books. On the first day of class you will find out from your professor if you actually need it or get the correct book.
·      Make sure to check out what clubs your college has. There are some awesome things to get involved in.
·      GO TO CLASS…
·      Extra seating in your dorms is optional such as bean bags or futons, but remember you have a small space to live in and you have a roommate so keep that in mind when looking at furniture.
·      Come with an open mind, there are going to be a lot of new experiences throughout your time in college.
·      Professional clothes- there are several times where business attire is required, it’s easier to bring it from home than going out to buy new dress pants, shirts, and blazers. (I know from experience)
·      Try to attend some sporting events throughout the year! The atmosphere is welcoming and who doesn’t love to rock their school colors.
·      Check out an intramural! 
·      Take a fun one credit class
·      See if your dorm air conditioning, if not you might want a fan. Even if so you still might want a fan.
·      Bring office supplies, you actually have a desk! (that includes beet jokes…ha ha)
·      Meet your CA! They are there to help you succeed and make your transition from home to college easier.
·      Seriously you don’t need all of your T-shirts!
College is incredible and I hope this list not only helps you but also excites you! Don’t forget to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. There are so many opportunities offered and people to meet!
Annie Wallin
State Reporter

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