Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Last Minute Preparations for CDE and LDE Contests!

1. Sleep
You may think that the night before a contest is crucial but one thing you never think about is the night before the night before. I know that sounds complicated, so let’s think about it a little bit. If you have to compete bright and early Saturday morning, Thursday night is the night you need the best sleep. If you stay up all night Thursday, all you’ll be doing Friday night is catching up on Thursday’s sleep. Make sure you’re well rested for your contest!

2. Eat a good breakfast
And by good breakfast, Red Bull does not count. Whether your go-to breakfast is a granola bar, a bowl of cereal, or a big plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, make sure you’re eating before your big day. Everyone says breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

3. Practice
I know, if you hear your advisor say “Just one more time” One more time, you might lose it. But there is a method to the madness, if you rehearse enough times you’ll step into the room and your presentation will be second nature. How can you get nervous when you know it like the back of your hand?

4. Prepare your things the night before
Unless you’re somehow a morning person (and if you are, respect to you), you are not going to be a fan of packing at 6:00am before the bus leaves. Chances are, you’ll throw a few things in a bag and head out the door. The chances of you forgetting something at home is much higher if you’re half asleep while packing!

Best of luck as we head to sub-district and district contests!

Wherever Corn is Grown,
Laken Mullinix
2018-2019 Iowa FFA State Secretary

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