One of the best analogies I’ve heard is that personalities are like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike. Our personalities have a hand in the way we do even the smallest of things. Whether it’s putting milk in before the cereal or not cooking a Hot Pocket to the recommended length, personality governs part of those decisions.
With that being said, it’s easy for one to get caught in the rut of doing things the way they’ve always done them. But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if this year was a clean slate?
I’m challenging you to think like there isn’t a box, not just outside it. When we allow our imaginations to go from “What If?” to “Let’s Try This” we open the door for our personality to leave its mark.
Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:
1. What if you tried a CDE/LDE you’ve never done before?
2. If you’re a chapter officer, what if a group of freshman did opening ceremonies at a fall get together?
3. What if you had a fall get together other than a meeting?
4. What if you tried out different sales tactics (social media/made an announcement at a place of worship/worked with a friend) this year selling fruit?
5. What if the chapter worked with a business in town to give members volunteer opportunities?
6. What if you offered to help other students after school with classes they’re struggling with?
A lot of these ideas have been done before, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth doing. The creativity doesn’t have to stop here! How are you going to leave your mark on these concepts/ideas? If you are able to start to master this skill now, it has the potential to help you farther along in life. Who knows, maybe someday someone will hire you for this talent?!
But for now, the next time you go to hand in your assignment, paper, report, etc. and the person in charge says “Wow, you really thought outside the box.!” I hope you grin and think to yourself:
“What Box?”
Go Get Em,
Chandler Jahner
State President
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