Now I have to admit, I am one of the 75% of people who never stuck to their New Year's Resolutions. Why? Well I suppose it’s because I was never committed enough to make myself drive the 10 minutes to the gym twice a week, to not buy that delicious looking slice of Casey’s pizza staring back at me, or to shut off my phone at a decent time at night. I always had the mindset of “I can do it tomorrow,” or “what’s another 30 minutes of Netflix going to hurt?” I could never hold myself accountable and do what I promised myself I would do.
I have become comfortable with being where I am. It’s where I feel safe, it has everything I need or want, and it’s where I'm comfortable with those around me.
I recently read something that really hit me hard. When climbers set out to climb the mountain, they can't wait to get started on their journey. Trekking up the slope to the top. About halfway up the mountain, there is a resort that has everything you could ever dream of. It’s warm and out of the freezing wind you’ve endured climbing up the first half of the mountain, it has hot coco, a fireplace, and much much more. Sometimes the climbers become comfortable at this resort and don’t finish what they started, climbing the mountain. They never get to the last half of their journey which is usually the hardest. There, you might struggle with high altitudes, falling ice, blizzards, and avalanches. The part of the reading that I found most interesting is that “no one has ever reached the top of the mountain on accident.”
What I am trying to say is, don’t get too comfortable with where you’re at. Keep climbing and reaching for the goals you’ve always wanted to achieve. I challenge all of you to be that 8% and accomplish your New Year’s Resolutions for 2020. Start the new decade the right way!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Commit to your Climb,
Lukas Bucknell
North Central State Vice President