Thursday, December 5, 2019

Give It Your Best

Give it your best. I’m sure that at some point in our lives, we’ve all heard this phrase. We’ve been told to do our best in school, in sports, and in everything we do. Yet, sometimes our best just doesn’t feel good enough.

I had just spent the past three days studying for my Economics test. I had written down all the notes from class twice. The practice problems were carefully copied and solved in my notebook. Every spare second I had was devoted to studying the topics I knew would be on the test. When the day came to take the exam I felt more ready than I ever had before.

I sat down to take the test, and I was pretty confident in myself. I flew the questions faster than I ever had before. I triple checked my answers before I finally submitted it. I was ready to get the results and see the best score I had gotten all semester. When I got my grade back though, I was shocked. A 53%. How was that possible?

I texted my mom right away. She knew I had been studying relentlessly. She responded with the phrase we all know too well. You did your best. I was frustrated. Yes, I had done my best, but it wasn’t enough.

I have spent my whole life trying to give everything my best. When that doesn’t feel like enough, I just push harder. I have always given the things I’m passionate about 110%. But, this year I realized something. I am exhausted. Never accepting my best has worn me out.

Sometimes we may feel like others expect more of us. We find ourselves worrying that we are letting them down. No matter how much we try, we can’t reach their expectations. Even when we’re giving it our all, we still may feel like we aren’t satisfying those around us. I know I’ve felt like that before. At the end of the day though, it doesn’t matter.

We have to know what our best is. I know that I gave that Economics test by best shot. I may not have gotten the grade I wanted, but I did my best. We may feel like we aren’t reaching the expectations of those around us, but they don’t always know the battles we’re facing in our personal lives. Life can make it hard for us to keep pushing, and to keep going above and beyond. But, as long as we are giving it our best we are doing ourselves justice. It doesn’t matter what other people ask of you and what they expect out of you as long as you give it an honest try. Give it your best, and I promise you it will be enough.

Run With Your Challenges,

Natalie Jefson
State Secretary

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