Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hometown Proud

Throughout high school, I never noticed the differences between school districts. I always assumed that every school was ran the same way that Knoxville was, and that all students had the same opportunities and experiences. However, this belief was quickly put to rest once I started traveling this year for chapter visits. Every school I have gone to has had a different atmosphere, belief system, and type of student interaction. While these differences may seem subtle, they have a huge effect on who we are.

South Central State Vice-President Mickayla McGill (middle, center) poses with some of her fellow Knoxville FFA members post COLT this Summer.
Looking back, I never appreciated the atmosphere or the support that my school system provided. There was never a sporting event or other extracurricular activity that my teachers did not attempt to attend. I was always excited to see a black and gold shirt in the crowd no matter where we were at. No matter how far away from home we were or what the weather was like, the community was always there to support us. From cheering at basketball games, yelling time splits at track meets, to even running across that course to encourage every cross-country runner; my coaches, teachers, family, and community did it all. The support that we as students were given helped us to be successful.

While you can’t really cheer for an FFA contest like you can a sporting event, Knoxville sure tried. From running through mock interview questions, watching CDE practices, to helping select our chapter’s future leaders, my other teachers always tried to lend a helping hand. Their support combined with the ag room atmosphere created by my advisor gave me the confidence to pursue my goals. Without the support of my school district and the Knoxville community, I would not be where I am today.

The support that my school and community have shown me throughout the past 13 years, makes me proud to call Knoxville my hometown. Since no two towns or schools are the same, each one has its own qualities that make it unique. Some of us come from a small town where everyone knows everyone, and others of us come from big towns in which we don’t even know everyone in our grade. Some of our schools specialize in athletics, while others focus on the arts. Either way, we each have something that makes us proud of our roots. What makes you hometown proud?

Be Proud, 

Mickayla McGill 

2019-2020 South Central State Vice President

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