Thursday, January 30, 2020

Perfectly Imperfect

Over the past couple of months, I’ve driven countless miles down unfamiliar roads as I’ve traveled across the state of Iowa. Everywhere I go is slightly different, but has a uniquely beautiful view. Whether it was watching the sunset as I drove by lake Red Rock, seeing the snow sparkle in the high noon sun while on a state highway, the reflection of countless taillights in the bigger cities, or watching the sunrise over the rolling hills on my way down to Mount Ayr, I’ve been able to see some pretty beautiful sights. This love for nature’s beauty is something I got naturally.

Even at 103 years old, my great-grandma Doratha loved to paint. She painted everything, including snowy winter wonderlands, rustic farmhouses, trees filled with colorful fall leaves, and of course, all of the little critters that she saw roaming around outside. Each of her paintings were beautifully crafted down to the smallest and simplest detail. My favorite painting of all time was one she did of a raccoon. The little raccoon had big, round eyes and a full belly. He laid next to an empty watermelon rind and a couple remaining shiny black seeds. I was amazed by the detail in the little raccoon’s big, beautiful eyes and his happy little face.

Despite my love for nature and its inner beauty, I was never able to paint like my great-grandma. While trying to teach my cousins and me to paint, she used to tell us to look at the details because everything we see is made perfectly imperfect. Everything has its flaws, and that’s what makes it perfect. Even the tallest, widest, and most beautiful tree has missing limbs and broken branches. These broken and missing pieces don’t make the tree any less beautiful, but instead, make it unique and perfect. Just like how our battle scars and imperfections make us beautiful to those around us. We are perfectly imperfect, just like we were meant to be. Love yourself and embrace your imperfections.

Find the Beauty in Everything, 

Mickayla McGill 

2019-2020 South Central State Vice President 

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