Sunday, November 19, 2017

National Convention 2017: Kevin and Jaxon's Story


The 90th National FFA Convention and Expo was definitely one to remember. This was for many reasons, but most notably being my selection to serve as a voting delegate for the state of Iowa. With this title, it was my responsibility, as well as the other delegates', to work on a committee which oversee the acceptance or rejection of a new policy within the FFA. 

The specific committee which I got to work on, involved the implementation of unpaid SAE hours for the Chapter, State, and American degrees. I loved working on this committee for numerous reasons. The foremost being the fact that I got to interact with dozens of other FFA members from across all 50 states. Hearing about each state's interests was truly eye opening, as I had no idea how much differentiation between each state there truly was. Additionally, I loved how I was able to voice Iowa's opinions on the matter, and get involved with helping direct our great organization. 

Aside from my delegate responsibilities, I was able to explore the expo and watch each general session. The expo was amazing - filled with amazing booths and free custard, how could anyone not enjoy it? And as for the general sessions - they were all phenomenal. Being able to listen to the keynote speakers has taught me a lot about leadership and the responsibilities in life that each of us hold as FFA members. Similarly, and equally as amazing, the RA's of the National Officer team were truly inspirational. Acceptance, love, and success - they are all principles the officers advocated throughout their speeches, and they could not have done a better job. 


The 90th National FFA Convention and Expo was nothing short of a great success. The streets of Indianapolis were filled with over 60,000 blue corduroy jackets and a few slightly aggravated drivers, might I add. The city was once again brought to life by the passion and excitement for agriculture FFA members brought with them to convention. National Convention is the capstone event of our organization and the opportunities it holds are overwhelming. As I reflect on my own experience, one question comes to mind. What is it that makes National Convention so incredible?
This year, I had the opportunity to travel to convention with the Iowa FFA State Officer Team to serve as a National Delegate. Delegates are charged with the responsibility of representing their state association while working to forward the progress of the entire organization. As a delegate, I was able to participate in a number of meaningful discussions about various issues affecting FFA and its members. This experience allowed me to make an impact on a National level and meet so many wonderful people. Being surrounded by hundreds of members with a vision for the future reminded me why FFA is able to do all that it does.
Aside from being a delegate, I attended general sessions, toured the expo, visited the shopping mall, and much more. During sessions, I watched hundreds of hours of preparation come to fruition for members who were recognized for their achievements in competitive events. Additionally, retiring addresses from the National FFA Officer Team and presentations from motivational speakers left a lasting impact on me not only as an FFA member but as a person. At the Expo, I conversed with numerous industry professionals and representatives of many colleges who were intrigued about what FFA has done for me. This was a great resource for me to learn about many career paths and programs available in the agriculture industry.
Returning to my original question, I struggle to come to a single answer. This is because it is the combination of many things that complete the experience and make the National FFA Convention and Expo so memorable. It’s the feeling you get when you were just one dot in a sea of blue that reminds you that you’re part of something bigger than yourself. It’s being proud to wear the blue corduroy because you know there are 650,000 other members who stand behind you. It’s making memories with friends from across the nation that will last a lifetime. It’s being inspired by the words of a National Officer. Undoubtedly, the experiences I’ve had National Convention are something that I will cherish forever.

 Kevin Werner and Jaxon Mullinnix
District Officers
National Delegates

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