Thursday, September 5, 2019

Dreaming Big

Growing up, I was that stereotypical kid that wanted to be a professional baseball player. I was going to be a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs, while simultaneously hitting 500 Home Runs throughout my career. I was going to win all of the awards, I was going to be famous, and I was going to make a lot of money. This at the time, seemed like a foolproof plan, but now looking back? Yikes. I don’t think I could name a pitcher that hit five home runs. I would tell everyone I met that I was going to be a baseball player, and nobody told me no.

In my later years, after I wisened up and realized that the dream I had, was a little farfetched. So I did some hard thinking as a normal 10-year-old would and I settled on being a sports broadcaster. I was going to work for ESPN and be that recognizable voice, that called every baseball game. I had my college picked out, bought some gear to prepare, and I was set. I knew what I was going to do. When I told people about it, they told me I could do it.

In life, you have to dream big. You have to give yourself the goals that will give you that sense of satisfaction. You’ll have naysayers, you’ll have people that will want to hold you back. As I am writing this blog, I’m living my biggest dream. There were a plethora of people that told me I wasn’t capable of getting to where I am today. I tuned them out and worked towards my dream. Nothing in life comes easy and you work for everything you earn. So what’s stopping you from achieving your biggest dream?

Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to achieve them.” Imagine yourself achieving your biggest dream. You finally becoming that baseball player, passing that test, or getting that job you’ve always wanted. No dream is too big or small. They are all capable of being reached, you just have to work towards them. So start taking those steps towards achieving your dreams, block out the people who tell you and believe in yourself. Because I know you are capable of doing whatever you wish.

Members of the Iowa FFA and those who are reading this, think back to a time where you came up short of a dream you’ve always had. How did that feel? How did you respond? If your dream doesn’t come true, don’t give up, just take the loss on the chin and move forward. You can do anything you set your mind to, it is in your control, not anyone else's. Dream big, because you are capable of achieving anything.

Yours in blue,

Nole Bochmann

2019-2020 NW State Vice President

Iowa FFA Association

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